
The Apple Vision Pro: an accessability perspective

With the release of the Apple Vision Pro, the VR and AR space (I mean, Spatial Computing!) has found some new energy. But before these devices become mainstream, we ask ourselves whether this is a blessing or a curse for accessibility.

Data-driven design Pt. II

A few years ago, Josh Puckett wrote a stellar article about his future vision for modern design tools and how they could incorporate real data. A lot of improvements have been made to our design tools but there are still so many possibilities. Easily tapping into live data without the need for code remains the Holy Grail. But he argues: Working with real data is as much about a mental shift in our thinking as it is having better tools. And that’s what I will look at in the second part of this series.

Data-driven design Pt. I

This is not the millionth article that will tell you to base your UX decisions on an obscure combination of metrics. Data-driven can be taken quite literally: using real data in the design process from start to finish. This is an overview of where we are now and what lies ahead. In part 1 of this series we’ll look at how you can gather data.

Down the font legibility rabbit hole

While working on a recent project I was struggling with optimizing the readability of the content in the interface. The product is a safety-cricital interface used in aviation with lots of codes in small sizes. Good readability is crucial to make sure the users can do their job well and with as little fatigue as possible.